Wednesday 24 December 2014


“Million dollar ideas are a dime a dozen. The determination to see the idea through is what's priceless.”

---Robert Dieffenbach

We could always come up with 'reasonable excuses' for doing or failing to do something. If, for instance, we wanted to set up a coffee shop, we could come up with scores or 'reasons' why we shouldn't attempt the venture ... general decline in coffee consumption, too many people in the industry which translates to too much competition or an already saturated market, inadequate funds, not enough time to put into it, economic downturn, increase in security threats, unavailability of fresh coffee beans, 'staff management hazards', unpredictability of market forces, to mention a few ...all sorts or reasons would come up.

China's richest man, Alibaba's Jack Ma claims he discussed starting his online business with 24 of his friends. 23 of them said he should drop the idea since it was silly and undoable. The last one said he could give it a try since there was no harm in trying...if things turned out wrong, he could just go back to what he was doing initially.

An all too familiar story, I guess; at least for me it is. There are naysayers at every turn. When I say naysayers, I refer not only to people, but also to circumstances and conditions surrounding us. Our default setting is to remain where we are, maintain the status quo, and do nothing.

"Every wealth has its story; none came by wishful thinking."
---Dahlin Chigozie Ilechukwu
Like the footwear giant's slogan goes, "Just do it!" Start something. Bring that idea to life. Don't look at the half-empty glass, see the half-full one. Start with what you have, from where you are. You are sure to grow if you persist and stay on the right track. Life has principles. Financial success has it's too. Just do it. Start! This is the first principle to follow if you are to succeed at anything at all. You must take that bold first step.

"A sluggard says, "There's a lion in the road, a fierce lion roaming the streets!"
---Proverbs 26:13 (NIV)

Does every rose have a thorn? Well, yes! I guess every blessing is accompanied by its baggage. My dad is always quick to say that risk and reward travel side by side. To make more, you have to do more. The greater the risk, the greater the reward. If you stake more, you have the chance to win more.

I stumbled on a poem by exactly that title, and can't resist sharing it here:-

"Every Rose Has A Thorn

The beauty of a Rose, its pure innocence,
The glee it brings when it’s greatness is gifted.
The heart of the beholder filled with wonder,
The senses are taken and one by one are lifted.

The eyes compare this single and individual flower,
To other types, different kinds and breeds.
By far it exceeds its expectations, its presence causes delight,
By comparison other flowers are weeds.

The nostrils take in this pleasing aroma,
The smell of perfection oozes even from its very name.
The inhaled pollen gently nests inside the smeller;
The Rose and the lover become indistinguishably the same.

But alas, perfection, beauty, love, all only mask what is hidden below, A secret that must remain.
The reality of the Rose shows a sorrowful being,
Saddened by its curse, the potential to cause great pain.

The happiness and the joy, the eternal unquestioning love,
The Rose can turn all this to scorn.
The beautiful creation, the sad and scared soul,
Only too aware of the truth; Every Rose has a Thorn."

---Daniel P Martin

There are obstacles and risks with embarking on any venture. Research 'The Greats'. They all had one thing or the other to contend with in getting to where they are now. They only arrived at their destination because they started, persisted, and kept at it. Don't let the obstacles on the path to your goals stop you. Look at the reward, that final goal, and the thorns won't hurt that much.

Jack Ma & his friends

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