Wednesday 20 August 2014


In Chess there is a popular saying, "No one ever won a game by resigning". How true this rings in life. Life imitates chess, or is it vice versa? They are one and the same to me.

Giving up usually seems the easiest way out in most trying situations. It's probably our default setting. We hear of people committing suicides daily. We quit when we face difficulties, resistance or even the slightest challenge.

Some of us are cowards, others are just sluggards, while a vast number of us can't stand the shame or comments/criticisms of the ever ready nay-sayers or/and head shakers.

Most of us are people-pleasers and thus more worried about what others will say than what it'll take to pick ourselves up and try again, or harder.

If we keep at it, hope lingers. Once you resign, you are done! The universe has laws. Everyone succumbs to them no matter our religious, economic or social affiliations. For example, "You reap what you sow", "Everything that goes up must come down" , "You attract that which you think about, fear or meditate upon". These are all laws of the Universe! This is too, "When you give up, you fail, if you don't give up, you will succeed at some point". History is littered with proof if this law, from Abraham Lincoln to Thomas Edison.

Never give up on your dreams, goals and aspirations. You will definitely get 'there' if you keep at it!

Hang in there!

E. P. Chukwuwikeh, 20/08/2014


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