My chess coach once said to me, "Learn all the principles of chess, apply them religiously, obey all instructions and your game will improve". He was right! My game did improve; most people who follow the tenets above also get considerable remunerations.
However, over time I found out that knowing when to deviate from laid-down principles sets you apart. In life just like it is in chess, one has to be outstanding in order to stand out! Truism I guess.
You must know when to go against the norm. You must know when to do more or abstain. This 'wisdom' usually emanates from experience, but is available only to those with an open mind.
You must know when to go against the norm. You must know when to do more or abstain. This 'wisdom' usually emanates from experience, but is available only to those with an open mind.
...Grandmaster Jon Ludvig Hammer
Every great master in chess knows that you 'arrive' when you can instinctively tell when to go against the entrenched principles.
Don't be scared to stand out. Use the principles others have used to excel as guidelines, but never allow them form an absolute boundary around your thoughts and actions. History proves that most exceptional people did exceptional things.
"Conform" is the first law. Know when not to conform is the second.
Don't live your life in a cage designed by others. Be yourself. You were made to stand out! Live free.